In my line of work (building intranet business apps), I too commonly encounter a problem of converting RGB numbers to hex value. Sure, I could just use rgb notation, but I prefer a hex one, as it is easier on the eyes and makes CSS shorter. My solution, usually was, to either use a calculator to convert RGB to hex or search the web for an online converter. As first chance makes you convert each number separately, making it utterly slow and painful process, the second is of no use, when there is no internet connection around.

As I had a couple of minutes of spare time, I created a small windows command line program that does exactly that. It takes RGB value as a command line parameter and convert it to hex.

Sample usage:

> rgb2hex 100 55 234

Hex value: #6437ea

You can download it from here.

There is also source code available. You can download it using git:

> git pull