There has been a lot said and written about how people should log time they spend on tasks. Some claim you should log only the time you actually worked on a task, some that you should log all time, including intrusions, lunch breaks etc. And from the project standpoint, I agree with later option. However, when it is you, who needs to track where your time went, you are faced up with a difficult task.

I guess you could use time logging features of your project management tool, but that is usually tedious and time consuming. Not to mention unpractical.

You could use one of the thousand apps that are out there, that require you to just press start button when you start timing the task, and stop button, when you stop doing it. But these usually come up with results in form of 2 hours and 33 minutes when you really wanted to log 2 hours and 30 minutes. This leads to editing and even more time lost. Also, all applications I have seen and tested, require you to enter tasks first, which is in my books double work. Specially when we use project management tool.

Personally, I use pen and paper. Archaic and non-environment friendly. It works, but it has a serious issue. In my line of work, I do a lot of context switching and at the end of the day, I spend some time just summing up time spent for tasks. It is not particularly time consuming, but it is tedious and error prone.

So, I have this idea of a time logging web application, that would be as simple as logging time on paper. Just start time, end time and description of your work. Description would have type-ahead of already entered descriptions, enabling easier summation of your daily time consumption. And you would be able to get nice condensed report for each day, week and month.

In future editions, integration with popular project management tools like JIRA, Trello, Trac is imminent. But for now, I aim for simple and get things done principle.

With all said and written, today, I can proudly announce TimeLoggerLive early-bird pre-order is available. As an early bird, you are entitled to:

  • minimum 30% lower subscription price for first 3 years (1st year at 80% off),
  • access to all development and future versions of the application,
  • hassle-free, any-time money back guarantee,
  • personalized and friendly support.


And the best part is, even if you decide to leave TimeLoggerLive, we will keep your data (unless otherwise requested) in read-only form, available to you online, if you ever need it again.

For companies, the product will also feature creation of teams and overview of their logged activities, bundling tasks into meaningful projects and user management.

TimeLoggerLive is currently in development and is expected to go live November 1st, 2017. I expect first beta to be done by August 1st, 2017 at the latest. By registering today, you will help TimeLoggerLive become awesome. And personally, I look forward to have you as a customer.