Entries for the ‘Tech stuff’ Category

TimeLoggerLive early-bird pre-order

There has been a lot said and written about how people should log time they spend on tasks. Some claim you should log only the time you actually worked on a task, some that you should log all time, including intrusions, lunch breaks etc. And from the project standpoint, I agree with later option. However, […]

Minimal Web API

For a task at work, I needed a mock WebApi for mimicking behavior of 3rd party API, that is not accessible from my machine. Sure enough I proceeded using line of least possible resistance and selected ASP.NET MVC Web Application template and WebAPI and ended up with bloated project that scared the life out of […]

Custom software – Introduction

Custom software is software that is usually done for one client, one environment and limited user base. It’s specific use case means, it won’t be sold more than once, which translates to high enough price to cover development costs. And then some. So why do companies decide to order and pay for custom software over […]

Windows 10 changes Slovenian locale (at last)

If you are a proud developer of software sold internationally or in Slovenia, you might pay a little attention to this. It has not been noted anywhere of importance and I discovered it by chance when one of the programs I am working on crashed. Versions older than Windows 10 had the following Slovenian date […]

Know thy tools

A few years ago, I wrote a post on why I don’t trust 3rd party APIs. It has never been more true than today (in days of NuGet, npm and other package managers) when adding an API is a matter of seconds. Seriously, you don’t even have to break a sweat. Package managers and web […]

Quick tip: Extending column which is also (part of) primary key

At work, I got a short task of extending a varchar column in our database from 25 chars length to 50. The task seems easy enough. But, as things usually turn out, it contained a GOTCHA! The column was also a part of primary key on that table. Thus, I started to wonder. Can you […]

Mobile apps development: Part I – Environments

Recently, I started to learn how to do mobile apps. Instead of classic ToDo app, that everyone is so fond of, I decided I will do a bit more realistic application. It would include, for starters a first time initialization, that would run (what a surprise!) at first run of installed app. This initialization would […]

Quick tip: Do proper exception handling

This might be a bit of a d’oh, but if you decide to handle exception, handle it properly. What do I mean by saying “properly”? Have you ever seen code like this? var myClass = new MyClass(); try { myClass.SomeMethodThatCanThrowException(); } catch { } finally { myClass.Dispose(); } This code is stupid. Exceptions are a […]

Quick Tip: Create custom server controls with a grain of salt

In asp.net world, creating custom server controls has become some sort of a standard. In fact, it is so easy to create a server control, that developers usually do it without thinking. The problem is, that server controls are a bit more complex than an average Joe would think. There are bunch of things you […]

Other developer essentials: Part IV – Google search

I don’t know about you, but I still have a vivid memory of the time before internet actually became useful. In those days, learning how to solve your problem included a lot of trial and error attempts and eventually a trip to local library. If finding a book on correct topic wasn’t enough of a […]