Entries for the ‘Tech stuff’ Category

Unit testing

Unit testing has been around for ages (or at least since 1986, when IEEE standard on unit testing was confirmed). It still surprises me, though, how many people just won’t do unit testing. Reasons they state differ, but most of the times I hear something along the lines of: “Unit testing is too time consuming […]

Starting open source

At my current gig, it is an outright chore to get a telephone number of an employee you want to call. There are actually two ways to go about doing this task. You can open Lotus Notes client, find an news-desk application, open that, locate address book document, open the document, open excel file and […]

Creating meeting request in Lotus Notes from .NET

At my present gig, there is this .NET web application for scheduling and requesting approvals for vacation and other absences, that I wrote two years ago. The application gets a bit of an upgrade from time to time, so that it runs smoothly and so that we improve user experience. But there was one thing, […]

Quick tip: Telerik Reporting and export to PowerPoint

For a project of mine, I needed to export Telerik report to PDF, Excel and Powerpoint. Now, first two options you get out-of-the-box when using Telerik.Reporting dll file. The third one, however, is a bit more tricky. Setting a format to PTTX in RenderReport method of ReportProcessor will return rendering exception. Quick Google search led […]

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Recently, a good friend of mine asked me to check why his website is not attracting as many users as he expected. To be honest, he didn’t expect much, but he still expected more than what his website attracted. He also pointed out that the website gets poor ratings in search engines.  I took a […]

Quick tip: Calling Wcf over ajax parser error problem

If you are using Telerik controls and you decide that it would be nice to have jQuery making an ajax call to your WCF service, make sure that you remove all instances of RadCompression http module from web.config (as described here) file or weird things will start to happen. In my case, WCF service should […]

Quick tip: RadComboBox and WCF over https

At work we are are constantly using Telerik components. To be honest, sometimes we also use them, where a plain ASP.NET control would be just as fine. Anyway, we use RadComboBox control as auto-complete fields for various search filters etc. Normally, we have RadComboBox connected to regular .NET Web service and it works like a […]

Win32: Hide to system tray – Part 3

In Part 1 of the series, we have seen how we can hide the application and display an icon in system tray. In Part 2 we have implemented a redisplay of application window upon double click on system tray icon. In Part 3, we will see how we can display a popup menu on left […]

Win32: Hide to system tray – Part 2

In Part 1 of the series, we have seen how we can hide the application and display an icon in system tray. In Part 2 we will build on Part 1 example to see how we can implement a redisplay of application window upon double click on system tray icon. To do that, we need […]

Win32: Hide to system tray – Part 1

I used to code in C++ a lot. And I mean, a lot. For instance, at previous gig, I created an application that measures bandwidth between multiple clients and a server. Interesting project. Specially since three quarters down that road, I had to port it from Windows platform to Linux. But that is entirely different […]